Delusional Profile: An interview w/ Sofía of nana studioz

Image courtesy of nana studioz

We caught up with Sofía, the founder of the experimental art and fashion project nana studioz, and asked about their design style, goals, favorite art books, and songs with resurrection powers.

Delude Magazine: What inspired you to start Nana Studioz?

Sofía: Nana Studioz was born by a personal necessity to have a space — a little universe of my own — to develop and further explore my artistic style. I have had education in the arts and design since the age of 14, and I've completely fallen in love with the many crafts I was taught whilst becoming very intrigued with the ones I have yet to learn, all of whom I'm willing to explore in this space, with complete freedom.

DM: What’s your favorite art book?

S: Spaceship by Aya Takano.

DM: Tumblr or Pinterest?

S: Tumblr.

DM: What advice would you give to fellow young designers?

S: Everything that comes from the heart will be heard and seen. 

Self-maintenance is key. Things like resting, eating, cleaning, and exercising are not a reward for your work done — they're a fundamental part of your routine which directly impacts your performance and execution of your art. Don't take your body for granted.

Image courtesy of nana studioz

DM: What advice would you give to yourself a year ago?

S: Unfortunately, solving problems and overcoming obstacles are the main plot of life. On the bright side, none of them mean the end of the world, and the more you face these inconveniences, the following ones get less scary and easier to solve. So just go reply to those emails. 

Extreme perfectionism is just anxiety paralyzing you to keep you away from failure. Don't try to get over fear when creating — because you can't, no one can. Fear will always be the first part of the creative process, sometimes even a companion, so you can not let it fully stop you, or you will never achieve anything. What you must do, is just see it as another small step to get things done. Again, the more you face it the easier it gets. Grab your paper, your pencils, say hello to Mr. Fear, grab his hand, and jump down the slide together. You never know, that fear might even turn into a thrill. 

DM: Who would you love to collaborate with?

S: In the future, I'd love to collaborate with the amazing jewelry designer, person and [my] friend, Shana Cave.

DM: What’s your guilty pleasure?

S: I've never felt guilty or embarrassed about anything that I enjoy or gives me pleasure. 

DM: Describe your design style in 3 words:

S: “young girl dreaming”

DM: Coffee or tea?

S: Tea.

DM: Chocolate or vanilla?

S: Dulce de leche.

DM: What’s the hardest part about running a business?

S: Doing everything myself, I'm still learning to delegate and to ask for help. Also learning to organize and balance my schedule so work doesn't consume me.

DM: What do you hope to achieve by the end of the year? 

S: One of my goals for this year is going back to doing ceramic pieces, and hopefully doing a little art exhibit. But I'd say my main goal is designing and showing my first collection of ready-to-wear, non-knit clothing for Nana Studioz.

DM: What song, if it were to be played at your funeral, would resurrect you instantaneously?

S: I will never die. But in case I do, play Amygdala by Ecco2k. That’ll do.

Sofía is a 25 year old, non-binary graphic designer and creator from Buenos Aires. You can follow her on Twitter.

Shop nana studioz here.

And take our quiz to find out which clothing item from nana studioz you should on your first date <3


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